Rapids FC operates in affiliation with GA Soccer - the state soccer association. All of our programs are modeled after GA Soccer guidelines and requirements. Below you will find general information about our programs which we hope will assist you in determining which program is right for your family.
Where to start
If your player is new to soccer, start with a recreational program for at least one season, either fall or spring. This will allow you to determine your player's interest in the sport, your family's ability to manage the scheduling and decide if recreation is the right level of competition. You can find more information on our website under Programs -> Recreational Soccer then choose the county you wish for your child to play in for more detailed information on the location nearest you.
If your player has played a season or more of recreational soccer and you feel he/she might be ready for a more challenging environment, consider reaching out to our Executive Director, Jeff Labarbara, ([email protected]) to see what the next steps are.
Types of Programs
- Recreational: Recreational programs are for youth players Mini Rapids, 6U - 19U (see below for explanation of age groups) and are geared towards players who want to play "just for fun." Teams are not selected using tryouts and players are never "cut." Training time is minimal each week and teams are scheduled for one game a week. Teams are parent volunteer coached.
- Academy: Academy programs are competitive select soccer programs designed for younger players. Academy programs are for the 9U- 12U age groups (see below for explanation of age groups). Teams are formed using tryouts, though the primary objective of these programs is player development. Training time is greater than recreational programs. There are more games per season, including tournaments, than recreational teams. Teams are coached by professional coaches; most with college and/or professional experience.
- Athena/Classic: Often called "select" soccer, these programs are for the competitive player in age groups 13U to 19U. These teams are formed by tryouts, players are cut, and the focus is split between development and competition. Training time is greater than recreational programs. There are more games per season, including tournaments, than recreational teams. Teams are coached by professional coaches; most with college and/or professional experience.
Age Groups
For youth players, which age group a player participates in is dictated by their birthdate. Please see the chart below to find out into which age group your youth player will fall. Please note that some age groups in recreation programs may be combined, in keeping with GA Soccer Guidelines, in order to facilitate appropriate team sizes. Our registration system will place your player in the appropriate age group. The below age groups are for the Fall 2017/Spring 2018 seasonal year.